
Showing posts from June 7, 2017


I CAN SMILE FOR AFRICA      I just love to be happy. Sadness can't stand a chance. It's one life I have, I can't afford to be sad. Too blessed to be stressed. Positive vibes. #can't stand negativity. #love to laugh. #so happy.

PULSE TV PRANKS,LOL.(must watch)

PULSE TV PRANKS. LOL. Watch below.

Second chance

Second chance I love you. I want you in my life again I can't breathe without you, because you are the breathe I take Come back to me, allow me to love you once more I need a second chance Please allow me to breathe again. My paradise, The love of my life forgive me. Yes baby! I would give you a second chance Want me, want me and take care of me. Be my first and last. I need a second chance baby, I'm vulnerable for you. Please forgive me. My one and only. You're a sunshine. Epitome of beauty.


I LOVE YOU (26) Prince Harry Agreed I messed up. Something I've tried to bury is resurfacing. This is so much all at once, I would keep my mouth closed. I would continue to keep it a secret, this time, I would play along. Nothing ever happened, I can't afford to break the heart of this wonderful princess. She's all I got. As soon as we're done with touring, we are going to get married in an elaborate way. Then after I would tell her what the secret is. I can't afford to lose her, she's all I've got. I looked straight into her eyes and kissed her on the lips. Promise me that you won't ever leave me? I asked from self-pity. She gave a relieving smile and nodded the negative, my prince is that why your face expresses sorrow? How can you think so low of me? she said in disappointment. I'm just scared that's all. Don't worry my prince we would be together forever no matter what. Her words were relieving. We can now enjoy


Best-Friends. I was wrong for looking down on her, I was selfish for thinking about me all the time, so selfish for not considering that she's a human too. She was not just a friend, she was like a sister to me. Goshh, she was a miracle. I've never seen someone as caring and devoted as she is. But I messed up. I messed up really bad. Would she ever forgive me? Would she ever love me again? Am I asking for too much? I can be so overwhelmed that I forget that there are people that are holding my back. She succeeded in making me cry. I could see it in her eyes that she still loves me. My only best-friend Grace . If you're reading this, it's dedicated to you. I can't help the feelings I have towards you. Naive me. How much did I know? Insecurities overtook me, that I hurt a gentle soul. Only you understood me. I don't want you to ever leave me again. I want to know who your babies are in the future. I want you to know  babies also. If it'

Music for the day.

Music for the day. It's a beautiful day. I'm just loving the weather. Let's get to today's matter: Music of the day. Davido... yeah, yeah... Aye by Davido. Enjoy the tunes baby.. Davido: Aye.


UKRAINE DELICACIES Isn't it yummy? Thanks for your love Ukraine...            

10 things I love with letter (T)

10 things I Love with letter (T) I Love Twitter. I Love Taxi. I Love Twerking I Love T-mobile I Love T-d Jake. I Love Tom & Jerry. I Love Trainers. I Love Toke Makinwa. I Love Ty- Bello. I Love Taylor swift. #love.


I LOVE YOU (25) Prince Harry 10:45pm    We checked into the aircraft with the maids and gentlemen. Our cup of happiness was overflowing, I have a confession to make but I'm so scared that she might break up with me. Though, my plan was to propose to her in Ukraine as soon as we reach there. I had already organized the surprise with her maids .    Still, the confession I have to make is as important as the proposal, how do I tell her this? I pondered. Everytime I confess my love to her, the guilty conscience I feel inside me is always .unbearable. I'm in a deep mess, I'm a sucker for love, I know that. She held my waist and kissed my lips, she noticed my face had gone a bit sour, but she doesn't understand why. Princess Vera He's the love of my life, he's my prince, my priceless jewel and the best thing that had ever happened to me. I've had several princes in the past that asked my hand in marriage, I couldn't say yes to any of them bec