
Showing posts from August 10, 2017


Case-Study (made extraordinaire)--------------------------------------------------------------- Topic: Obsession . Are there good obsessions? Where do one draw the line between a good and a bad obsession?. Can any obsession ever be good. Personal Point : If it's not money, then too much of anything can be bad. Obsession/ Addiction. About the topic obsession, please join the discussion by commenting in the box below.. Your opinion is valid here @world of romance.

Soulmates (poem)

Soulmates (poem) Love still exist, in this world of ours, We were destined to find each other, The passion that simmers from your core, The tenderness only my eyes can ever understand, The trials we've both seen during this journey, Do reinforces the strength we are capable of giving to each other My heart was molded , To complement yours worthily

Music for the day

Music for the day Falz- Soft Work. Finest of all. Watch visual track below.

Motivational Poem

Motivational Poem ~" Prayer is simply agreeing to be optimistic with God"~ ~" Passion is a beauty to nourish and grow"~ ~" Never take an idea for granted "~ Be Devoted, Be Motivated, Be Powerful

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power Do you know that?---------------------------------- " Positive thinking can shape the way you see your life, thereby causing you to be more emotionally intelligent / mature? " Going to bed with a positive thought, can lighten up your mood the next day Where there is knowledge, there are ample possibilities. Knowledgeable people are powerful people.

I Love you (109) series #4

I Love you (109) series #4 Princess Vera (The time is now, the beauty is perfect) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On this very day, I'm ready to take you as my lovely wedded wife,  I promise to protect you and to care for you everyday of my life. For every wrong I have done to you, I'm deeply sorry. You're the reason behind my smile. I'll forever love you, my princess, Princess Vera PS "I love you more than words can say. Keep shining." Tears flowed from my eyes as I read the letter. I splashed on the perfume on my dress. It's time to go, Sandra reminded.

I Love You (108) series #4

I Love You (108) series #4 September 1st, 2016. (purple waters) Prince Harry The time is now, get ready! Anxiety pinched my bowel. Thomas nodded the positive. Yo're set now, aren't you? I'm set. I'm set to see my darling wife. Let the celebration begin.. Princess Vera A Letter and a perfume?. "Letter" To the world most beautiful Princess, the love of my life and the soon mother of my children. I'm using this medium to really thank you for accepting to be my wife.