
Showing posts from August 28, 2017

Love Quotes

Love Quotes ~Love her and you'll never regret~ ~Slow to love, but it's long lasting~ ~Happiness is when I think about your subtle romantic gestures~. (you're perfect) ~Lying on my bed, waiting for you to come kiss me~.

Music for the day

Music for the day Taylor swift- Look at what you made me do Watch  video below

I Love You (131) series #4

I Love You (131) series #4 Princess prays. I pray he considers our unborn child and live for the sake of that.  I glanced at my Protruded stomach, I readjusted my blouse at the same time. I don't want to be stressed, it might affect the baby. Yes, I already informed his parents and mine. They are on their way. How would I even explain the fire incident? What even caused the fire outbreak, I pondered, as I fidgeted on the chair. I really hope he survives this, I whispered the prayers.

I Love You (130) series #4

I Love You (130) series #4 Prince at the hospital He was rushed to the hospital. They came on time. Fortunately, he had only a minor burn by the time they rescued him. About the smoke he inhaled, consequently, he's lying there in coma. I dread that he might not survive it. The tears couldn't stop flowing. He's in ER now, I couldn't even peep from the door/window, because it's all blinded. I hope he survives this. I prayed squeezing my hands.