
Showing posts from May 22, 2017


Crush      How do you feel around your crush? the tingling, butterflies and knot that floods your system can be so uncomfortable. The first person you think of when you wake in the morning and the last person that occupies your heart before bed-time. For sure, having a crush can good or bad depending on how you manage it.      I used to crush on this very tall, sexy guy who was my classmate. He was my world, all I wanted was to be around him every minute of the day. Concentrating was so difficult if he's not with me.      Anyways, fast-forward, he asked me out, I agreed and we started dating. It was so amazing, chills flooded my whole body the very first day we ever hugged. Though we never kissed before we broke up.       Breaking up with him was so tough, no one said anything to each other, no words left our lips for each other, it happened so fast that we couldn't even say goodbye.       Till now, I still think about him.        I use call him the handso

Forever young.

Forever young.      Have you ever seen some people who are ever-green?, They always look the same even though twenty years have passed them by. I call them forever young. Their body shape remains intact after four kids, the smile on their face never get wrinkle, smoothness of their skin never flake a bit.         As youthful as they are, they can often feel cheated  by nature, People of same age group can call them juniors because of their appearances, younger people however can view them as same age. Everything in life has it's ups and down's, advantages and disadvantages, these set people can have a very fantastic slim body even at forty. But they also have their fair share of the downs that comes along with it, Like being called a teenager, or teenagers looking at them as their mates. Forever young. Beautiful people. Flawless people. Ever-green.


I LOVE YOU (11)        I beamed shyly and looked him in the eyes, I missed you charm, I blurted. Me too he replied, wrapping his arms around me. He planted a kiss on my forehead and chuckled, that's cheeky babe, I murmured, my face flushed, adrenaline gushed like I have just seen a lion, hmm, that's true, he's my lion, my king to be.      Do you care for a surprise? he voiced. Sure, would it make or break our relationship? I jokingly asked. I'm your birthday cake you can't afford to lose me, he bragged.      Speechless I was, I just couldn't wait for the surprise, Alright Prince, where is the surprise? my curiosity peaked. Immediately, someone blind-folded me from the back, the palm of the prince collided with mine and ushered me out of the hall within the big crowd. The people applauded, I smiled through my cheeks even when I couldn't see them eye to eye. My instinct told me we were outside the hall, the maid-servants lifted my dragging dress off t


I LOVE YOU (10).     It's the king's order he added I shook my head and kept quiet. Let's get a seat over there, Brenda pointed to another high table. My fretting joints began to relax as I consumed glassful of white wine.     A call from Harry? I whimpered and asked myself if he was a good man for missing my birthday party. I hesitated to pick his call, however, the look on Brenda's face about ignoring a call from a prince quickened me to press the blue button.     Hello Harry, I was just thinking about you, I confessed. That left me with explanations I must convey to Brenda, she's aware of everything about me except this. Telling a guy I was just thinking about him is the new gist she's ready to hear.     Me too baby he replied. Are you okay? It's half the time of the entire party and I haven't seen my prince yet, I asked him sounding worried.     I know right?. The last words from him echoed, I'm no longer sure if we

10 things I love with letter (D)

10 things I love with letter (D) Hello guys, it's Monday already, children going back to school, working class people resuming work. Awesome, isn't it? Today I would be sharing 10 things I love with letter (D) I love Day-dreaming I love Decorations I love Dresses. I love Dancing. I love Donkeys. I love Drumming I love Dramas I love Dolls I love Drinking solo. I love Disneys.