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       I beamed shyly and looked him in the eyes, I missed you charm, I blurted. Me too he replied, wrapping his arms around me. He planted a kiss on my forehead and chuckled, that's cheeky babe, I murmured, my face flushed, adrenaline gushed like I have just seen a lion, hmm, that's true, he's my lion, my king to be.

     Do you care for a surprise? he voiced. Sure, would it make or break our relationship? I jokingly asked. I'm your birthday cake you can't afford to lose me, he bragged.

     Speechless I was, I just couldn't wait for the surprise, Alright Prince, where is the surprise? my curiosity peaked. Immediately, someone blind-folded me from the back, the palm of the prince collided with mine and ushered me out of the hall within the big crowd. The people applauded, I smiled through my cheeks even when I couldn't see them eye to eye. My instinct told me we were outside the hall, the maid-servants lifted my dragging dress off the ground as the prince removed the blind-fold from my face.
     WOW! amazing, thousands of people from different race have all kinds of musical instrument, and what appeals me most is that they are all dressed in pure,snow white. Some were playing the trumpets, some were drumming the bands, African girls were choreographing to the drum sounds. Aha, sweet!  After a while Opera took place, their voice tickled my soft-spot. Gymnastics however, were showing off their talents. All at once I was overwhelmed by this big surprise. Queen Josephine my mother gave me a very huge heart melting hug.. Everyone applauded me for my day, I felt amazing . The atmosphere indeed worth the prince coming late, I thought within myself.


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