
Showing posts from October 9, 2017

Skinny Girl In Transit S4E1

Skinny Girl In Transit S4E1 \ Tiwa, Mide and co in skinny girl in transit Season 4 Watch video below.

Music for the day

Music for the day Sammy- Hallelujah (X3M music) New video. Watch ⇓

Love Quotes

Love Quotes Love is not always about the big thing, the little things also counts. Love is an arrow that's not so easy to recover from. Love without giving is not love

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power Did you know that? Higher levels of sugar in your blood and urine can trigger yeast infection, if that be the case, cut down on your carbohydrate levels Knowledge is freedom

Fated to care (22)

Fated to care (22) Your grip became sentimental if you’d noticed.  He grinned so handsomely, he's so cute! I thought to myself  I had just noticed he was a fine tall man and just seeing that alone changed my serious looking face into a buttery charming look.  He looked like he was in his 30’s, his shape was neither slim or fat, just in the right proportion. 

Fated to care (21)

Fated to care (21) Making sure I was in the right balance before I gave him a stern look.  “Why are you looking at me that way when all I was trying to do was to prevent you from splitting so you don’t tear your nice skirt, yet pushed me away like I had just done something wrong   Hmm, he sounding like a gentleman, but I wouldn’t let that fool me. You sound like you care and thank you for trying to help me, but you fondled me long enough, that was a bit disturbing, I uttered.