
Showing posts from July 3, 2017


Heritage We work for the sake of our children, 'cause they would be the one to inherit all that we have left. They are the leaders of tomorrow, but we must train them in order to become one Don't be too anxious They notice Behave as the way you would love them to behave Our children are everything, Please let us lead them on the right part @world of romance, all we share is love.

Legends (poem)

Legends (poem) You're a legend indeed!  The impact you've made on this earth would speak for you Don't worry about death, 'cause' death cannot erase what you've Impacted on humans Ingenious, I must applaud your talented approach once again Thank you for making the world a brighter place Spirits are being lifted because you were here When you come to life, then after death  We would show you what you've sacrificed for this beautiful souls. You are the master of your own piece Someone is up there watching you, Smiling at the creations in which you've created. Our legends are one of a kind. "Artistically Inclined''

Music of the day-Ycee: Don't need bae.

Music of the day- Ycee: Don't need bae. You go'on love it.

5 things I care about with letter (M)

5 things I care about with letter (M) Good morning guys. It's another beautiful Monday 26 days challenge still continues. It's letter M baby! So, let's get started I care about Money I care about Mothers I care about Mondays I care about Mazda cars I care about Musical Instruments. As simple as that. yaay! What do you care about with letter M? Comment in the box below. Annyeong.

I Love you (61)- series 2

I Love you (61)- series 2 Princess Vera   I removed his arms around my neck and sighed, you shouldn't have done that though, well mistakes  do happen, we don't have control over them and that's why they are called mistakes. I forgive you, but I beg, Let it be the last time that would ever happen. I don't want to share you with anyone my prince.   Be my one and only. We'll take care of the baby, she's now ours. Although, he/she would stay with her mom. But we would visit her, consistently and of course provide for her. The baby is innocent, you are the one who's guilty, I beamed. Thank you for forgiving me, placing his head on my abdomen and tightening his arms around my waist. Because you are my baby, I can't fight with you for too long. Sugar pie, I hugged him.

I love you (60)-series 2

I love you (60)-series 2 Princess Vera No way!, you've got to be kidding me. You have a child already? How come you never told me, I mean.., wait a minute. Was that the reason why the Queen objected us from getting married? ooh, I see.. That was why you wanted us to rush things so that I don't get to change my mind. It deeply shows how much you care about me. I panted. Babe, I'm sorry okay. The child is sound and alive, I've told her to take care of the baby herself, I told her  I've fallen in love with a beautiful princess I'm about to get married to. I will provide for the child as a father. I promise it won't affect our marriage, she would be in her own house with the baby. It was a mistake, you know you are the one I love, he pleaded.