I love you (60)-series 2
I love you (60)-series 2

Princess Vera
No way!, you've got to be kidding me. You have a child already? How come you never told me, I mean.., wait a minute. Was that the reason why the Queen objected us from getting married? ooh, I see..
That was why you wanted us to rush things so that I don't get to change my mind.
It deeply shows how much you care about me. I panted.
Babe, I'm sorry okay.
The child is sound and alive, I've told her to take care of the baby herself, I told her I've fallen in love with a beautiful princess I'm about to get married to. I will provide for the child as a father.
I promise it won't affect our marriage, she would be in her own house with the baby.
It was a mistake, you know you are the one I love, he pleaded.
Princess Vera
No way!, you've got to be kidding me. You have a child already? How come you never told me, I mean.., wait a minute. Was that the reason why the Queen objected us from getting married? ooh, I see..
That was why you wanted us to rush things so that I don't get to change my mind.
It deeply shows how much you care about me. I panted.
Babe, I'm sorry okay.
The child is sound and alive, I've told her to take care of the baby herself, I told her I've fallen in love with a beautiful princess I'm about to get married to. I will provide for the child as a father.
I promise it won't affect our marriage, she would be in her own house with the baby.
It was a mistake, you know you are the one I love, he pleaded.