
Showing posts from July 18, 2017

Case- Study

Case- Study   Hello beautiful people. To wear make up or to go nude? what your take on that?    I personally think, it's the individual's preference. Whether you wear make up or you don't, to me it doesn't change a thing. If you are beautiful, you are beautiful. So I say, rock the pretty face anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Your suggestion is highly valid. Please comment in the box below on what you think about that.

Ageless (poem)

Ageless (poem) The face hasn't wrinkled a bit, The body is still shimmering like honey extracted from stinging bees Is that your secret? Youthful and Rosy Ageless beauty Give me some of your potion, To restore my aged beauty Let me shine like a gloss Ageless beauty To become timeless, flawless and ever-green Just like you are, I wonder if you were made from rose petals. Ageless beauty. If you like that poem please comment. Thanks for reading.

Music of the day.- Jay Z- 4:44

Music of the day.- Jay Z- 4:44 Now check the latest. Four days ago Jay Z released the long awaited music video 4:44, well if you haven't watched it yet, now you can. Watch the video below.

Inspirational Poem

Inspirational Poem ~"Your smile lit up the place, your beauty give life to the hopeless, Your presence makes the world a better place: I Love You"~ ~" Little always add up to become many"~ ~" You're not perfect so expect plenty mistakes from you, that's fine."~

5 things I care about with letter U

5 things I care about with letter U Good morning awesome people. I'm glad to write for you guys. *thanks for reading* Let's get started guys. - five things I care about with letter U- -U- I care about Umbrellas* I'm in love with colorful umbrellas* I care about Unisex items I care about United States I care about United Kingdoms I care about Unity. It's your turn to list the five things you care about with letter U. Love

I LOVE YOU (77) series #2

I LOVE YOU (77) series #2      No baby, it's not about the wedding per se. Then it's about what? I questioned her as the king passed by.     What are you two talking about? he asked facing me. Mother and daughter discussion, mom responded. He looked at her strangely and ignored her blunt remark.  I'll be waiting for you darling while you take your bath, Queen promised.  I'm grateful to God for my father's health, having him present on my wedding day is the greatest present I would ever receive. My sleepy eyes gradually opened as I make my way to the bathroom.

I LOVE YOU (76) series#2

I LOVE YOU (76) series#2      Good morning mom, I embraced her with my still sleepy brown eyes. How was your night sugarpie? she caressed my supple smooth neck.     Then her lips pouted as though she wanted to give me a kiss, instead she planted a sounding peck on my cheeks. Ouch, that ticklish, I murmured out of the bedroom.     Go have your bath darling, Queen instructed as we walked down the stairs, in addition to that keep in mind that we are both going to a place this morning confidentially.    If it's about the wedding my queen myself and sandra are up to the task.