I LOVE YOU (19) Princess Vera We signed so many autographs we possibly could. We wow-ed the crowd by our patience and endurance. Thirty minutes later, we dropped the pen and waved them bye. Belgians are lovely people, I remarked. So they are, wonderful people! he affirmed. Would you rather die with a good heart or a fake heart? The sentence made him chuckle, he paused and pondered a bit. I would die with a very big heart. What about you? Me too I would do same thing, I would die from cardiomyopathy *coughs*, I would shed tears a bit when hurt, but I won't transfer the aggression on people no matter what. Prince Harry Ummh, That's deep and Intriguing tell me more. She blushed. What just happened to my fierceness princess pie? Aye! I brought her face closer to my chest and kissed her forehead. You're just as vulnerable as a kitten. I licked her ears. Come stay at in room till tomorrow morning. After then, we will tour ...