

Image result for best friend

I was wrong for looking down on her, I was selfish for thinking about me all the time, so selfish for not considering that she's a human too.

She was not just a friend, she was like a sister to me. Goshh, she was a miracle. I've never seen someone as caring and devoted as she is.

But I messed up. I messed up really bad. Would she ever forgive me? Would she ever love me again?
Am I asking for too much? I can be so overwhelmed that I forget that there are people that are holding my back.

She succeeded in making me cry. I could see it in her eyes that she still loves me.
My only best-friend Grace .
If you're reading this, it's dedicated to you.
I can't help the feelings I have towards you.
Naive me. How much did I know?
Insecurities overtook me, that I hurt a gentle soul.
Only you understood me.
I don't want you to ever leave me again.
I want to know who your babies are in the future.
I want you to know  babies also.

If it's possible I want us to get married the same day.

My Queen, My Best Friend. I love you


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