Gift of Happiness (poem)
Gift of Happiness (poem)

(gift of happiness is what you give yourself)
Through life trials and difficulties ,
It's within your very grasp,
If you can breath in deep enough.
Unbox the beautiful gift carefully,
Appreciate a wonderful moment it gives,
The moon is smiling at you now,
It has always been watching you ever since you were born,
And it really hope you would been fine even right now.
Live, love and be happy.

(gift of happiness is what you give yourself)
Through life trials and difficulties ,
It's within your very grasp,
If you can breath in deep enough.
Unbox the beautiful gift carefully,
Appreciate a wonderful moment it gives,
The moon is smiling at you now,
It has always been watching you ever since you were born,
And it really hope you would been fine even right now.
Live, love and be happy.