Emotions (poem)
Emotions (poem)

Swinging from one pole to the next,
Emotions runs deep,
Though, I mask every sensations thereof,
Doesn't mean it doesn't hit vulnerable spots.

Surprisingly fickle,
You couldn't stay long, yet you trouble even the calmest soul,
What should we call you?
Blood that runs through a tiny vein?
Emotions are so believable, but it never came to stay
It's here to pass
Emotions runs deep,
Welcome to world of romance
Swinging from one pole to the next,
Emotions runs deep,
Though, I mask every sensations thereof,
Doesn't mean it doesn't hit vulnerable spots.
Surprisingly fickle,
You couldn't stay long, yet you trouble even the calmest soul,
What should we call you?
Blood that runs through a tiny vein?
Emotions are so believable, but it never came to stay
It's here to pass
Emotions runs deep,
Welcome to world of romance