I Love you (103)

I Love you (103)

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(Forever you are mine) 10th chapter.

Prince Harry

Wedding day

It's your day bro don't be caught up in nonesensical emotions, he patted my back and laughed hysterically.

My bad, I'm sorry I made you jealous that much. You two are tying the knot today.
She's yours and you are her's.

Now I see that the love between you two is very much solid. In addition to that, it's good to see a prince getting married to a princess, he chortled a bit.

Don't talk like you're not a prince yourself, I beamed. 

You are right harry, I'm a prince myself that why I'm so excited to see a flawless royal bonding.
My guy! he turned his face directly to mine, few inches apart, with all seriousness I advice you Harry, please let the marriage work. Keep her heart, don't break it.

Or else, I would kick your d**k.


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