You're my world series 2, (#65)

 You're my world series 2, (#65)

Image result for mourn

   She paused for a minute, and looked at the name of the person calling. Prince! she exclaimed. What has the prince done this time? she moved closer to me, placing my head on her chest.
   I don't want to talk about it, I asserted. It's not something you can solve or control.. Maybe it's not just the right time to tell you.

   Besides, I'm getting married to him, it's now a do or die affair. I need to zip my lips about my family issue.

   I'm sorry about anything you might be passing through now. I'm deeply sorry my princess. I hope you find a way to resolve it, she encouraged.

Thanks for the encouragement Sandra. I need a potato pie and a pineapple juice

Princess ''why am I so heartbroken'' anyways food can make it work.


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