I love you / You're my world (74)

I love you / You're my world (74)

Princess Vera
11:59 am
Sleep caught my eyelids. I'm yet to see the prince.

Image result for palace
Prince Harry

12:00 am
   What do I tell her is the reason I didn't pick her call not to talk of ignore her calls?. I thought about that for some minutes, before my mum walked into my room.

   What are you doing here Queen? It's past 12:00 am. I wouldn't know, just checking up on you, she uttered. An atrocious smile escaped my lips..

   I want some rest mother, I would speak to you tomorrow. Okay, she replied, the tip of her pink lingerie danced with her as she closed the door behind her.

   Perfect, I said to myself, she's probably missing me already, I wonder what she's gonna do when I eventually get married to the love of my life.


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