Mighty waters (poem)

Mighty waters (poem)

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Mighty waters
Deep ocean
Soft blue sea
Mind-blowing sight
Fountain of joy
Rivers of peace

Splash all over me
Temperate like the weather.
I want to have a taste of you, you're too salty for me to drink
So I would let you cover my whole body
I would dip my flesh to your substance
Cause it cools my feverish skin

You are mighty indeed
Your coast scares me
I'm afraid you wouldn't dry up but live forever.
You can run so high or stoop really low.
I don't know when to trust you
You cover a large portion of the earth
Flood my home not,
Unless I would come live with you
You are truly deep, you bury without warnings

Soft touch, still we all need you.
Strangely beautiful

Mighty waters.
How can I describe you?

Happily talented. still me. world of romance


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