I love you & You're my world (51)- series (2)
I love you & You're my world (51)-series (2)

Queen Josephine
To your husband to be: (Open letter)
True test of love is patience. I have so many words to say to you princess, but the summary of it is this:
Love your husband-to-be as yourself that's first and the second is, be patient with him always, when things are smooth and when things aren't that smooth, that my simple advice I have to give you two.
My face flushed, was kinda embarrassed, but in a good way though. Deep but true Queen, thanks for the advice.
I'll try my best, my very best to keep your son, my prince happy.
Ummh, my mother and my fiancé are getting along too well. It's getting to the point of jealousy. I feel so left out.
Queen Josephine
To your husband to be: (Open letter)
True test of love is patience. I have so many words to say to you princess, but the summary of it is this:
Love your husband-to-be as yourself that's first and the second is, be patient with him always, when things are smooth and when things aren't that smooth, that my simple advice I have to give you two.
My face flushed, was kinda embarrassed, but in a good way though. Deep but true Queen, thanks for the advice.
I'll try my best, my very best to keep your son, my prince happy.
Ummh, my mother and my fiancé are getting along too well. It's getting to the point of jealousy. I feel so left out.