I LOVE YOU (47) series 2 #you are my world
I LOVE YOU (47) series 2 #you are my world

Prince Harry
Remember, we are already engaged, we've made huge promises to each other, how can we then allow any external influence to bring low what we've been building high.
When I choose you, I knew I was making the right decision. I chose what my heart held dearly and that's you. This is one of the obstacles we must overcome. Be my shadow baby, hold my back and let me hold yours.
We have another chance to show them what we are made of..
I want to be in love with you and never break up and when we get to heaven we would continue from there. I would stand by you again, I promise, Vera said, and she continued. No matter who's against this, we'll never give up on the love we have for each other.
It takes two to tango my love, Let's show them what we've got, I cheered.

Prince Harry
Remember, we are already engaged, we've made huge promises to each other, how can we then allow any external influence to bring low what we've been building high.
When I choose you, I knew I was making the right decision. I chose what my heart held dearly and that's you. This is one of the obstacles we must overcome. Be my shadow baby, hold my back and let me hold yours.
We have another chance to show them what we are made of..
I want to be in love with you and never break up and when we get to heaven we would continue from there. I would stand by you again, I promise, Vera said, and she continued. No matter who's against this, we'll never give up on the love we have for each other.
It takes two to tango my love, Let's show them what we've got, I cheered.