Doctor what exactly is happening to my father? I was referring to the dark handsome man using sphygmomanometer on my father's arm.
He gave a reassuring smile, my anxious mind calmed, his reaction said it all.. Your father would be adequately cared for. The king's blood pressure increased, whatever might have caused that, he needs ample of rest, that's what he's getting now.
Amazing. It's satisfactory, my father is in safe hands then. Your positive outlook is contagious, I gave a warm compliment. How soon would he wake up? Very soon, not less than six hours. When he wakes up, he would be as healthy as a horse.
Hmmm, Do you believe me when I say things are going to be fine, have you seen it yourself? That's why I'm here by your side to remind you that everything is going to be alright, prince looked at me and planted a kiss on my cheek.
What about lunch? You rushed all the way here as soon as we exited the flight. Let's go for lunch. The king would wake up sound and fine.
Let's have a meal with the family, thereafter we can discuss our wedding plans with them.
Or should we talk about it after the king is finally okay. Then, we can proceed with the wedding plans.
You can't wait to have the princess as your newly wedded wife, we all know that, I chuckled. His face flushed, his lips became more attractive, do you want a sentimental kiss? Right in this hospital? I'll kiss you like you've never been kissed before.
Gosh, aren't you full of yourself.
Kiss me then..........
I will reciprocate the kiss my sweetheart. I would kiss you like I've seen my soulmate. In fact I have met her already, she's right here with me full of life.
I'll kiss you softly and wetly my Queen to be..
I love you'
Doctor what exactly is happening to my father? I was referring to the dark handsome man using sphygmomanometer on my father's arm.
He gave a reassuring smile, my anxious mind calmed, his reaction said it all.. Your father would be adequately cared for. The king's blood pressure increased, whatever might have caused that, he needs ample of rest, that's what he's getting now.
Amazing. It's satisfactory, my father is in safe hands then. Your positive outlook is contagious, I gave a warm compliment. How soon would he wake up? Very soon, not less than six hours. When he wakes up, he would be as healthy as a horse.
Hmmm, Do you believe me when I say things are going to be fine, have you seen it yourself? That's why I'm here by your side to remind you that everything is going to be alright, prince looked at me and planted a kiss on my cheek.
What about lunch? You rushed all the way here as soon as we exited the flight. Let's go for lunch. The king would wake up sound and fine.
Let's have a meal with the family, thereafter we can discuss our wedding plans with them.
Or should we talk about it after the king is finally okay. Then, we can proceed with the wedding plans.
You can't wait to have the princess as your newly wedded wife, we all know that, I chuckled. His face flushed, his lips became more attractive, do you want a sentimental kiss? Right in this hospital? I'll kiss you like you've never been kissed before.
Gosh, aren't you full of yourself.
Kiss me then..........
I will reciprocate the kiss my sweetheart. I would kiss you like I've seen my soulmate. In fact I have met her already, she's right here with me full of life.
I'll kiss you softly and wetly my Queen to be..
I love you'