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  We couldn't finish the tour, unexpected event can disrupt one's plan in life. Everything would be alright, harry consoled.
I resisted tears from flowing down my cheeks, he's my best friend and my father I can't imagine my life without him, keep him safe lord, I prayed silently.

Prince Harry

  I saw raw emotions on her face. She's sad. My princess shouldn't be sad, I empathized. I'm here for you, Queen Is there for you, my mother is there for you, Sandra and other maids are there for you.
We absolutely love you and need you. You have a wonderful heart. You won't lose your father. Too soon. Especially now that you're about to get married.
Baby girl.

Princess Vera

  You look just like your mother, the resemblance is perfect. Your words are encouraging, thank you sweetheart. I'm lucky to have you beside me. I'm lucky to call you my own. Baby you're my world. I smiled spontaneously, I've got a soft spot for you, you succeeded in making me smile.
I can't wait to get married to you my love, I embraced him, squeezing him as much as I possibly could....
Our flight took off.........

We arrived to our country 24 hours later.
I managed to keep my calm, but it looks like it isn't working.
You're panting, harry asked just before we got to the entrance of the hospital my father was admitted.
Let me take care of it, charming ordered... My father said I must see him, we came all the way here, just for me to see him, I asserted. Of course, that's exactly what happened, but I'm afraid you might not be able to control your emotions when you see him in a sick state.

I'm twenty five years of age, though I can be so naive at times, but to ignore my father's attention? I say No to that.
Just stay by my side and whisper everything would be fine to me. Then I would feel so safe and sound....


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