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Prince Harry

You're my world, my breathing became shallow as I took the last bite of the bread. Come with me to the cinema Vera, let's have our very first official date there.
Okay my charmer, you always have a way of seducing me into liking you more. Aye, I like you more or you like me more? I asked.
Lol, we like each other but you like me more. Yes you are right my prince I uttered. I love you more. I freaking want you more.
After the cinema let's come home and make babies.

Princess Vera

How do you make babies?, My facial expression changed. I asked naively.
 Oh really? you changed your mind I thought you said we should make love after our marriage? If so be the case, marry me first, I spoke. Do you want me to marry you today? So we can make love today? I want to love you till eternity. I want to be your morning rose, your sunshine, the one who makes your heart swell.
Come love me baby., he babbled.

I laughed out loud. Wait a second, you mean you wanna marry me today so you can make love to me today? I laughed again but this time, it's a mischievous laugh.
My dear, Just say you're horny. He looked at me and frown. Shyness overtook him, he looked at the ground and nodded the positive. Yes I'm horny. Too proud to say it, he accepted. Pride is a form of fear do you know that? He looked at me and smiled cunningly. He bite his lips, and made an alluring eye contact.
What do I do to my urges now?
Go to the bathroom and help your self, I said flatly.

To be cont'd.
I love you guys, thanks for reading my stories.


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