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        How do I handle stress? stress is everywhere and can be contagious. You don't believe me? Stay around someone who is vulnerable to stress for a day or two, then catch yourself getting stressed over little things.
         Stress is inevitable, especially in this century where everyone is rushing, mind is buzzing non-stop, instant messages sneaking up on you and so on. 
         I do these when I feel so overwhelmed and tired. 
Meditate: when my mind is congested and filled with so many irrelevant thoughts, I sit quietly close my eyes and just breathe periodically until I can feel my mind entering into the state of calmness and tranquility.
__________________________________________________  Beauty Sleep: getting a long good night sleep can sound vague, but the really important things in life are the things we tend to overlook. Sleep re-energizes your body, soul and mind. I doze off around 10pm and wake up 6am feeling all energized and happy.
_____________________________________________________   Writing your to-do list everyday: I do this because, it shows me what I need to get done in twenty-hours. So far sticking with my schedule goes a long way in reducing stress for me. Which one works best for you? Comment below or add yours.


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