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Optimism is a state in which one hopes that only positive things can come out of a negative situation. Or a state where one expect good thing to happen no matter how situation can present itself to be dark.

An optimistic person sees hope in every situation no matter how bad or confusing the situation or event can be.
Optimistic people tend to have longer life span.
Optimistic people affect their community positively.
Optimistic thinking trick the brain into happiness.
Optimistic people laugh more and frown less.
Optimistic people treat everyone nice because they believe that there's a good in every person.
Optimistic people are happy people.
Optimistic thinking reduces rate of depression.
Optimistic thinking can get the work done faster and well.
Optimistic people perform better in a test than pessimistic person.
Optimistic thinking is for everyone.

Are you optimistic?


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