I ❤ me

I ❤ me 

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I'm beautifully and wonderfully made.

I'm not what anyone says about me.
I take responsibilities for all my actions.

I accept that mistakes serves a purpose to learn from it and not to fight with it.
I'm responsible for all the decisions I make in life.

If I don't have peace within me I can never be at peace with anyone.
Happiness is a choice so also is letting go.
I'm not perfect no one is.

Respect must be given to everyone not because they are always right but because we are all humans.
Everyone was born with a mind I have no right to control anyone's decision.
Pride is a form of insecurity, and insecurity is a result of fear.

I'm not my past, they are only there for me to learn from.
Life would continue to teach me until I learn my lessons.
What anyone says or do is about them not me.

I'm not a waste. No one is.
Everyone on planet earth was created for a purpose.
I'm blessed and highly favored.


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