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 I squeezed her hands and implored her to give me her phone number but she refused.

Princess Vera

     I don't know where this is going, I'm scared to like the prince, his confession during this brief meeting of ours is quite shady. Although I've had a crush on him ever since I was a kid. Come to think of it, we are now grown ups, we have a right to choose whomever we want to settle down with, without our parent forcing the kingship down our throat. He's not bad looking himself, he's a great guy. Still, I can't just jump into marriage just like that without any proper dating.

    I like you too prince harry, you are moving too fast, let's take it slow and get to know each other a bit more. Let's get to know our hobbies, our likes and dislikes and other great things about ourselves. Let's not force marriage down our throat because of our parent wish, she blurted.

    For real? You really do think I've been pressured by the king to take the next step with you? Do not think such Vera, they never for once press that on me. Except they have pressured you, have they?. No, none of my parents have spoken to me about that, she exclaimed.
    What's your take on that? About us getting married and having kids. LET'S TAKE IT SLOW, she affirmed.
    Are you taking me out on my birthday? would you spoil and lavish me with gifts and sweet things? what kind of guy are you? she whispered in my ears
      I moved closer and held her hands on my laps, My eyes glued with her's, her pink iris  matches with her curvy rosy lips. Can't wait to give you the first kiss baby, I confessed.


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