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Prince Harry

My queen to be you look so amazing and elegant, ever since I met you my world has changed I don't want to be around anyone else, I've met a lot of princess but you are unique, You are a special person that's why I'm appreciating you. I don't want to lose you before I know your worth. My prince, you are an incredible person too. You changed my life ever since I met you.

I had an ex-boyfriend when I was in the university, Fred was his name, he was a sweet guy also but you're the sweetest, Should I say men are not all same? Though, you are a prince you still took the courage to reveal how you feel about me, It's not everyone that finds it necessary to appreciate what they see. You know that I'm all beautiful and lovely and you said it aloud. I love compliments! my lips curled into a big wide smile.

Princess Vera
My goodness! He's such an outstanding candidate, I've met princes  but you're unique. Damn you are gorgeous! our conversations excellent. I want to wake up in the morning by your side every single day. You are everything I ever desire in a man. Let's love each other until death and after death. All that for me? he asked. I seduced him with a kiss,

Horses ran faster, I hugged him so close. I waved and smile to everyone I saw on the way. My hat and sunglasses masked my identity. The morning sun kissed my arms. I decided to take a selfie alone, then I remembered I was with the prince. We did a lot of videos along with the pictures. I uploaded some to Instagram and Facebook. Minutes later, feed backs were amazing.
 After three days in Belgium we both decide to tour Ukraine next.

Ukraine wait for us! Belgium we are here. Harry exclaimed as he gave a dashing smile
He looked me in the eyes and said princess you're forever amazing.
I'll love you forever.
You are the reason I smile.


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